Monday, March 20, 2006

Life is going to be interesting in the next while.

A friend has been trying to motivate herself to write for some time now, specifically a novel that she's had floating around in her head (gee, I wouldn't know anything about that.. hahaha). So she decided to issue a challenge of sorts: twelve weeks, one novel. A sort of modified Nano challenge as there isn't a specific word count issued, and it is longer.

I have an idea that might work. Or I might break out one of the two fantasy novels that haven't been very helpful up to this point.

I still intend to polish more of my poetry and find it homes. This is a huge challenge for me, not only because I'm shy, but because the sheer amount of organization that this takes is really difficult for me. I have a notebook where I've written addresses, what's been submitted and when, and whats been accepted and where. However, as I write this I realize I've misplaced this notebook - not an easy feat, it is a large book with a hard cover. See? This is a statement on the state of my life.

I've started round VII in 30:30 again, gads this must be about the fifth or sixth time now. Really I'd rather just write poems, plop them there, and number them for a yearly count - to hell with missed days. Sadly I must be the voice of reason so that nobody else points fingers and claims that I'm not playing fair.

How about you?


Blogger michi said...

lisa --

i never thought i could write a poem a day. i remember how i would envy arlene for being so prolific, writing daily. she kept bugging me to give it a go, but it took me ages, until last september when, after a looooong dry spell, the muse returned. the rest, as you know, is history. *G*

the time between mid-december and early february, away from 30/30, showed me the difference. when i am not doing the 30/30 thing, i do not write whenever i can. i wait until something "happens", "comes to me", and so i end up not writing for days, weeks, months even, and it gets harder and harder to get back into it.

i have written more poems this year than in all of 2004, i think, or perhaps it was 2003.

i am not sure, maybe having done 30/30 for a while will eventually change my approach, and i will be able to sit down twice a week on a regular basis if i don't have the time to do the daily thing.

i'm very grateful i gave it a go. dozens of poems would not have been written. okay, the world would have done fairly alright without them, but still, it's nice to have written them. ;) even though some of them contain a high dose of nigel.


1:31 PM  
Blogger lorguru said...

Oh, Lisa, sound so much like me with the subbing stuff. I hear ya!-laur

9:16 AM  

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